Chap 15: My Jonah Story

I Married My Dad Chapter Fifteen My Jonah Story November 17, 2017 The Lord Jesus led me to read Psalm 119:105-112 ESV. Back in the early 1980s, when my children were still quite young, and I was a young mother of four, I had a situation in a church with the leadership misjudging me, and … Continue reading Chap 15: My Jonah Story

Chap 13: Drop the Masks

I Married My Dad Chapter Thirteen Drop the Masks December 18, 2017 We all experience trials in this life, at least to some extent. Some people seem to have more than their fair share of them, though, while others appear to be relatively trouble free. But, appearances can be deceiving. We don’t really know what … Continue reading Chap 13: Drop the Masks