Only in Him

As Christ’s followers, we are not to be followers of humans, but followers of God. We are not supposed to turn to human beings for help, guidance, counsel, and direction in place of Jesus Christ, especially while ignoring the counsel of Scripture, making humans our gods. We are not to form alliances (yokes; partnerships) with … Continue reading Only in Him

Oh, What Joy!

“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner … Continue reading Oh, What Joy!

Now Abiding

This song is about our daily walk with Jesus Christ and the responsibilities, blessings and benefits of that daily walk of faith. When we walk closely to the Lord in faithful surrender and obedience to his will for our lives, spending time day-by-day in his presence, praying, and listening to him teach us his word, … Continue reading Now Abiding

Nothing Can Separate Us

I read Romans 8:28-39. This is one of the greatest and most precious promises of Scripture which applies to those whom God is for, who are in Christ Jesus by believing in him, who love God, and who have been called according to his purposes; who walk not after the flesh, but according to the … Continue reading Nothing Can Separate Us

Not By Might

On March 29, 2012, as I was praying about specific situations going on in my life, the Lord gave me the verses in Zechariah 4:6b-10a: “’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘What are you, O mighty mountain? … You will become level ground… Who despises the day … Continue reading Not By Might

Faulty Thinking

Faulty thinking has you blinking,On the verge of wrong decision.Can’t decide this way or that way,‘Cause you’re lacking truth and wisdom. Pleasing flesh is most what matters.Life is filled with empty chatters.Pride in self, so self you flatter.Not live for God, for self, rather. Anger fills your heart with temper,Frustrated with all that matters.Peace of … Continue reading Faulty Thinking

Not Be Silent

This song, based off Psalm 30, updated to our relationship with Jesus Christ, God the Son, is a psalm of thanksgiving and praise for all that God has done for us in providing salvation for us from sin through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and through his resurrection. He delivered us from … Continue reading Not Be Silent

No Less

March 19, 2012 I was talking to the Lord about stuff going on in my life. I had just written out my devotions from the book of Amos, chapters 1-2. I was thinking about how Amos was just a shepherd when God called him to be a prophet and to give out his messages. I … Continue reading No Less

Never Will I Leave You

On May 11, 2011, I had this horrible headache (from an incoming or outgoing storm) all afternoon. I was sitting on the sofa crying and praying for Jesus (in His name) to heal me. Then He put this song, "Never Will I Leave You," into my heart to write as His message to me to … Continue reading Never Will I Leave You