Return to Me

Even though we, as believers in Jesus Christ, are underneath the New Covenant relationship between God and his people – his church – it is still possible for us to sin, and for us to wander away from our pure devotion to Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Savior, and for us to have … Continue reading Return to Me

Rest For the Weary

This song is about our eternal rest, i.e. this is about our salvation, and how it brings us into God’s eternal kingdom where we find our hope for eternal life with God. And yet, it also speaks to our need for physical, mental and emotional rest. Jesus gives us rest when we need it. He … Continue reading Rest For the Weary

Rejoice in the Lord Always

Fear, anxiety, and worry must be universally troublesome to most people because God/Jesus Christ warned his people, and/or he encouraged his people all throughout Scripture (and history) to not fear, to not be afraid, to not fret, and to not be anxious, but “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,” (to) “present your requests … Continue reading Rejoice in the Lord Always


I believe that there are many times we are guilty of taking God/Jesus Christ for granted. As well, I believe today’s church is often at fault in how they present God/Jesus when they paint God as a big doting grandfather in the sky, and/or when they paint Jesus as a weak and powerless person who … Continue reading Realizing

Pray, Pray, Pray

September 6, 2012 Prior to the Lord giving me this song on prayer, he gave me three songs in a row on the subject of love, mainly on loving other people. Whenever I study the Scriptures on the subject of loving others, I am reminded of how much I still need to learn and to … Continue reading Pray, Pray, Pray

Praise the “I AM”

February 24, 2012 I was reading in Revelation about the power and majesty of God, and of Jesus Christ, God the Son. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was the only one worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because he was slain, and with his blood he purchased men for God. And … Continue reading Praise the “I AM”

Our Eyes on Jesus

April 23, 2012 I was praying through some present situations in my life. I was feeling weary, and I was losing heart over the situations, so I prayed for renewed strength. Then, I pulled out the Bible study we were doing in our ladies’ Tuesday morning Bible study, and I read Hebrews 12:2-3: “Let us … Continue reading Our Eyes on Jesus

Open Your Hearts

In this song, Jesus is speaking, and he is asking us to open our hearts to him, and to accept him into our hearts and lives. He is not only saying this to those who don’t know him, but he is saying this to those who think they know him or to those who do … Continue reading Open Your Hearts

Only in Him

As Christ’s followers, we are not to be followers of humans, but followers of God. We are not supposed to turn to human beings for help, guidance, counsel, and direction in place of Jesus Christ, especially while ignoring the counsel of Scripture, making humans our gods. We are not to form alliances (yokes; partnerships) with … Continue reading Only in Him