So Many Times

Oh, how I love the Word of the Lord! His word speaks to me all the time. Yet, there are those special times when I hear his voice speaking to my heart so powerfully through his word that my heart is greatly stirred. It is in those times that I feel especially close to him, … Continue reading So Many Times

Sing Praises

We should take this attitude toward our own suffering, persecutions, troubles, and grief, etc. We should realize that God has not abandoned us in our suffering, he will never leave us nor forsake us, he is in complete control over all our circumstances, he knows what he is doing, none of this has taken him … Continue reading Sing Praises

Should I Not Preach Jesus

Jesus said that we are to go into all of the world and to make disciples of him of all nations, baptizing and teaching them to obey all that he has commanded us (See Matthew 28:18-20). He said that when the Spirit of God comes upon us, whom we receive when we believe in Jesus … Continue reading Should I Not Preach Jesus

Talk with Jesus

In the stillness of the nightI sit quietly, waiting,Listening to hearMy Savior’s voice. In the quiet of the eveIt is so peaceful, restful,Free from busynessAnd distractions. He speaks quietly to me,Gently guiding me, leading,Teaching me the wayThat I should go. He whispers softly His WordsSometimes through music, singing.The melodies playNow in my mind. Scriptures unfold … Continue reading Talk with Jesus

Seven Woes

Jesus began talking with the crowds and with his disciples, warning them against becoming like the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. They were so caught up in the externals of religion and with following their traditions that they failed to show love, justice and mercy. And they twisted and distorted the word of … Continue reading Seven Woes

But, Are You Willing?

The question is not, “Is God able?”For our Bible’s not a fable.The question then is, “Are you willingTo surrender, your life giving?” When Jesus gave His life up for us,Died on that cross, so He’d free us.So He, in His death, conquered our sinSo that we might walk in freedom. So, there’s no question, “Can … Continue reading But, Are You Willing?

Servant of the Lord

We, as followers of Christ, have all been called to be his servants and witnesses in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, in making disciples (of Christ) of all nations, and in teaching them to obey the commandments of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). We are to serve the Lord with our whole … Continue reading Servant of the Lord

He Took Our Pain

Who has believed our message?To whom has our Lord been revealed?He had no beauty or majesty;His looks, to none did appeal. He was despised, rejected.A man of much suff’ring and pain,From whom people have hid their faces,then looked on him with disdain. Surely He took up our pain.Our sorrow he bore on himself.Punished by God, … Continue reading He Took Our Pain

Send a Revival

My nation, the USA, and the church in my nation are in great need of revival. Much of today’s evangelical church is one with the world, operates like big business, and follows the teachings of men and Marketing 101 over and above Scriptures, regarding how to conduct and to grow God’s church. This should not … Continue reading Send a Revival

My Father’s Day Poem

Not all of us can celebrateThe fathers that we had on earth,For some of us had fathers grim,From the first day our moms gave birth. Our lives with “Dad,” oh, they were sad,We feared him much when he got mad.We never knew when he’d lash out,So we were scared, without a doubt. But then we … Continue reading My Father’s Day Poem